A recent study has shown that slip and falls are among the most common of all accidents that lead to injuries. With the start of a new school year, preparation and common sense are key to avoiding potential slip and fall accidents in schools. It is not too early to review procedures to avoid potential injuries. The following factors contribute to slip and falls on school property.
Wet or Slippery Surfaces
Certain surfaces are made of materials that are naturally slippery. Some of these surfaces include marble, ceramic tile, or terrazzo. When these surfaces become wet, the potential for a slip and fall increases. Surfaces do not have to be wet to be a danger for slip and falls. Highly polished floors are just as dangerous. Slippery walking surfaces can be contaminated with oil or grease. School cafeterias, where food is prepped, and tiled bathrooms are also dangerous areas because of the wet floors.
Weather Conditions
Even though it may not seem like a potential danger, piles of wet leaves on sidewalks and stairs can create slippery surfaces. Walking on these surfaces can be extremely dangerous. It is important for pedestrians to be cautious when walking on surfaces even after they have been cleared. Proper foot attire should be worn to help prevent a fall.
Change in Elevation
Inadequate or insufficient lighting can make seeing obstacles and changes in walking surfaces difficult. One should pay close attention where lighting is dim. When moving quickly, the likelihood of misjudging a step is increased. Even a small change in a walking surface can cause a fall. Uneven sidewalks on school property, as well as cracked concrete or deteriorated or missing stair treads, can cause accidents that lead to serious injuries.
Many falls also occur on stairs, so handrails should be installed for proper safety. Accidents can be decreased if stairs are kept in good condition. It is important to make sure obstacles that could cause potential falls are out of the way. Clutter and other obstructions, such as stacked books or sports equipment, should be cleaned up as soon as possible.
Safety in Schools
It is the school administration’s responsibility to implement and enforce safety procedures and slip and fall precautions that require a comprehensive safety plan and training for everyone. Preventing accidents that can cause major injuries takes teamwork. Everyone should take the steps necessary to ensure a safe environment.
Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyers at Geoffrey B. Gompers & Associates Advocate for Victims of Slip and Fall Accidents
Slip and falls can lead to serious injuries. If you or someone you know has been injured in a slip and fall accident, the Philadelphia slip and fall lawyers at Geoffrey B. Gompers & Associates are ready to help. Contact us online or call 215-567-6600 today for a free consultation. We are centrally located in Philadelphia, and we proudly serve clients from the surrounding areas.