Pennsylvania motorists now have another reason to slow down while driving through highway construction zones. As of October 2018, speed cameras were approved by the state, and will be allowed in active work areas on the Pennsylvania Turnpike and interstate highways. The new law, Senate Bill 172, was approved by Governor Tom Wolf. There will be a five-year long program to start, and its supporters say that it will be beneficial for highway workers. It also specifies that two signs or more be posted on the road to warn drivers about any upcoming construction zones.
The bill will also pave the way for Philadelphia to approve speed cameras on Roosevelt Boulevard in the Northeast. The busy highway has a reputation for being dangerous and has been in the news because of its frequent car accidents. In September 2017, there was a four-car crash that injured two people, and last June, a woman was fatally injured there in a crash.
How the Cameras Work
Automated speed cameras enforce traffic laws, and cities in about 50 percent of the U.S. use them at traffic signals to catch people that run red lights. More communities are turning to speed cameras. Police can use LIDAR, a small device that can gauge vehicle speed using laser light. It has been reported that LIDAR results are more reliable than radar.
A Philadelphia Republican State Representative feels that LIDAR is a technological advancement that will help police identify people that are speeding. He added that it also works as a deterrent to slow drivers down; when they see it, it acts as a warning.
Speeding Penalties in Construction Zones
Any drivers that are exceeding the speed limit by 11 miles per hour or more when the workers are present will have photos of their license plates taken. They will receive a written warning for their first offense. A second offense will earn them at $75 fine; subsequent ones will be $150 each. However, no points will be added to their licenses.
Opposers of Speed Cameras
Not everyone is in favor of these cameras. Many feel that the technology is a form of government surveillance that invades privacy. Another objection is the fact that the cameras are machines, and machines can make errors that are hard to challenge in court. If the camera technology is not handled and maintained properly, they feel that system-wide errors can occur.
Opposers also feel that the tickets only go to the vehicle’s owner; this is an issue if someone else was driving at the time. It is also said that the mere presence of the cameras can cause motorists to drive erratically by speeding up or slamming on their brakes. They also feel that the cameras are used to earn profits for the government and other organizations.
Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers at Geoffrey B. Gompers & Associates Represent Individuals Injured in All Types of Car Accidents
If you have been injured in a car accident due to another’s reckless driving, our team of expert Philadelphia car accident lawyers at Geoffrey B. Gompers & Associates can help. Contact us today at 215-567-6600 to schedule a free consultation or contact us online. With offices located in Philadelphia and Voorhees, New Jersey, we serve clients from the surrounding areas.